My Fitness Journey, Journal Entry: No. 2

The journey to fitness and health can be a b–ch.

Plain and simple.

However, it can also be a rewarding one at the same time. Believe it or not, even with me having years of experience with workout design, methodology and implementation, there are times I still struggle with my own plan.

Let me rephrase that. Working out has never been a problem for me, but the dietary side of things has always left me wondering what I did wrong.

Eliminate carbs? Tried it.

Cut out nightshades? Tried it.

Lived a pescatarian lifestyle? Did that too.

I could go on, but no matter what I’ve done I never was able to achieve the body I set out to achieve at any given time throughout this process.

Here we are, 2019, I’ve just turned 36, and I am again striving for a specific body type. This time I feel I am more prepared than ever before. Thanks to my lovely wife, Nicole, she has diligently been researching what I consume, and my body’s reaction to that food.

The latest attempt to finally hit one out of the ball park? Low stomach acid.

It has seemed for years I have never been able to put on lean muscle mass. I have years and years of progress pictures on my phone, and after hours, days, weeks and years of hard work in the gym — nothing has changed. I still look the same.

I started to take a specific enzyme which is supposed to help increase my stomach acid levels. What will this do for my health? It helps my body actually utilize the food for the nutrients it possesses, and not just pass through the system without being used at all.

On top of the low stomach acid, I have also started consuming celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. This miracle juice has not only been said to cure a lot of skin ailments, but also help the body actually utilize protein, leading to bigger and stronger muscles.

Add all this together, and what you get is an increase in body weight.

I have consistently been anywhere between 167-173lbs. for at least the past decade.

I try to bulk up? 167-173.

I try to get lean and ripped? 167-173.

No matter what I did, no matter how I trained, the same song and dance. But maybe not anymore. Since making these two changes to my overall diet, I have seen my weight increase. No, I’m not overweight now, but I have seen an increase in lean muscle mass. I am consistently weighing in around 173-177 at this point. This has thrown me through a loop. When you aren’t used to a change in body weight, a sudden fluctuation can be a bit of a mind bender.

My goal remains the same, and in just a few short days I am going to start a new phase of my workouts. There will be weight lifting. There will be cardio. There will be pain.

Will it pay off? Only time will tell, but the ongoing struggle which is reaching your ultimate physique is a journey I will never quit.

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